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Fully Accredited AML Online Training Enhance Your Internal AML Training With Video Tutorials Continuous Development AML Training

customized aml online training

We work with you to develop training that addresses your unique compliance requirements, ensuring your team receives relevant and practical AML education to meet regulatory standards.

Tailored AML Training for Your Business Needs

At KYC Lookup, we recognise that one-size-fits-all training doesn’t always meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. That’s why we offer customised online AML training to address the specific challenges and regulatory obligations faced by your organisation. Whether you’re a financial institution, a legal firm, or any other industry affected by Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, we design training solutions that align with your risk management strategy, business operations, and compliance goals.

Our bespoke AML courses allow you to combine and modify a range of our pre-existing AML modules to create a training program that meets your exact requirements. By offering flexibility in content, format, and delivery, we ensure your team receives practical, up-to-date training that is relevant and effective.


Why Customised AML Training Is Essential

AML compliance isn’t just about meeting legal requirements; it’s about equipping your team with the tools and knowledge they need to identify, report, and mitigate risks associated with financial crimes. However, different industries and businesses face varying levels of exposure to money laundering risks, and standardised training may not sufficiently address these nuances.

Our customised AML training offers a solution by:

  • Aligning with Your Compliance Framework: We work with your compliance and legal teams to identify the most critical areas that need focus, ensuring that the course we design fits seamlessly into your existing policies and risk framework.
  • Addressing Specific Risks: Certain industries may have heightened exposure to particular AML risks, such as dealing with high-risk clients, politically exposed persons (PEPs), or complex transactions. Our bespoke training modules allow you to focus on these areas, delivering targeted education that reflects real-world challenges your team may face.
  • Maintaining Regulatory Compliance: By tailoring the course to meet jurisdiction-specific regulations, we ensure that your employees are compliant with not only local but also international AML laws. This is particularly important for businesses operating across borders or in highly regulated sectors like finance and real estate.

Key Benefits of Customised AML Training

  • Module Selection: Our vast library of AML modules covers everything from the basics to more advanced topics such as:
    • AML legislation and regulation
    • Customer onboarding and due diligence processes
    • Monitoring suspicious transactions and reporting obligations
    • Sanctions, screening, and compliance with embargoes
    • High-risk jurisdictions and customer types (e.g., PEPs)
    • Emerging risks such as cryptocurrency and online payment fraud

We offer the flexibility to combine any of these modules into a course that addresses the specific learning needs of your employees. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive introduction for new hires or advanced training for your compliance officers, we can develop a tailored solution.

  • Company-Specific Scenarios: One of the key features of our customised AML training is the option to integrate case studies and real-life scenarios that are specific to your industry or organisation. By using actual examples of money laundering risks your team may encounter, we help reinforce learning through practical applications.
  • Compliance Across Geographies: For multinational corporations, maintaining AML compliance across different jurisdictions can be complex. We offer multi-jurisdictional training that addresses country-specific regulations, ensuring your global teams are up to speed on AML obligations in every region they operate.
  • Flexible Delivery Options: Our customised AML courses are available online, allowing for flexible learning. Employees can complete the training at their own pace, making it ideal for teams with varied schedules. Additionally, we offer options for live virtual sessions, quizzes, and assessments to enhance engagement and measure learning outcomes.



Tailored to Your Business, Delivered How You Need

We understand that every organisation has different resources, timelines, and employee needs when it comes to training. That’s why we offer flexible delivery options for our customised AML training:

  • Self-paced eLearning: Ideal for busy teams, allowing participants to engage with the training material when it suits them.

Our customisation options extend beyond content. If you have specific branding guidelines or platform preferences, we can deliver the training in your preferred format, fully integrating it with your Learning Management System (LMS) or company portal.




Stay Ahead of Emerging AML Trends

As the financial landscape continues to evolve, so do the tactics used by criminals to exploit businesses for money laundering purposes. Our AML training is continuously updated to reflect the latest regulatory changes and emerging trends, such as the rise of digital currencies, the increasing sophistication of financial fraud, and new international sanctions. This ensures that your team stays informed and prepared to respond to the latest threats.


How to Get Started

We make the process of developing a customised AML training program simple. Start by contacting our team to discuss your organisation’s needs. We’ll work with you to assess your current AML risks, compliance challenges, and training gaps. From there, we’ll create a bespoke course that is aligned with your objectives and compliant with industry regulations.

Empower your employees with the knowledge they need to fight financial crime and keep your business secure. Get in touch with KYC Lookup today to build a tailored AML training solution for your team.